Editor's Update
3 Life-Giving Practices for Preachers
Ministry can drive us in one of two directions: we can become more dependent on God or it can reduce us to "message-making machines." That's Ken Shigematsu's advice in this week's fabulous preaching skills article, "Life-Giving Practices for Preachers." "My hope and prayer for [all preachers]," Ken writes, "is that you would know God's presence is alive and real, not only in your formal times of prayer or preaching, but as you do administrative work, spend time with family, and as you rest and play." How do you stay that fresh in the midst of ministry demands? Check out his three practices.
To complement Shigematsu's skills article, check out his sermon "The Freeing Power of Silent Prayer." We don't offer a lot of topical sermons on our site, but this one was so moving and practical. It's a beautiful description of how people (and maybe especially us preachers) can break free from our unholy attachments and hear the voice of Jesus in the midst of our ministry demands. As Ken puts it, "When we become more aware of the beauty of God's presence in our lives, we are made whole."
Also, check out these new resources:
- Featured Illustration: Atheist Astronomer Suggests 'Intelligent Design'
- Featured Video: Ordinary Me - This video reminds us how God can use anyone who is willing.
- Featured Sermon: "The Freeing Power of Silent Prayer" by Ken Shigematsu
- Featured Skills Article: "Life-Giving Practices for Preachers" by Ken Shigematsu
Matt Woodley
Editor, PreachingToday.com
Matt Woodley is the pastor of compassion ministries at Church of the Resurrection in Wheaton, Illinois.