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MLK Reflection: Saving the World We Live In

Dr. Ralph Douglas West

Dr. Ralph Douglas West

What did you learn from Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., the preacher? Throughout the past few years we've posed that question to a number of preachers. In this week's preaching skills article —"Reflections on Martin Luther King Jr."—Dr. Ralph West from The Church Without Walls in Houston, Texas shares his tribute to Dr. King, the preaching man of God. Like Dr. West, I've always loved Dr. King's use of repetition and concrete imagery. But here's what really moved me from Dr. West: "Dr. King did not privatize Christianity. He moved from the individual to the social." Or as the great Dr. Gardner C. Taylor once said, "Preaching that doesn't begin with the individual never begins, but preaching that stops with only the individual never finishes."

Eric Mason

Eric Mason

Then in our featured sermon—"Called Out and Called Up"—Dr. Eric Mason from Epiphany Fellowship in Philadelphia asks us if we've ever been "called out by God." I love Mason's simple and blunt opening paragraph. "One of the things that people misunderstand about the Christian faith is how God utilizes conviction for his glory. How many of you have been convicted by God? I'm talking about when God just ate your lunch in your heart. You know, just went after you. If God isn't calling you out you will never get called up. If God never jams you up, he will never grow you up." So if you're preaching is a too indirect, take a few lessons from Mason on this one. It's also a great message on financial stewardship.

Also, check out these new resources:

Matt Woodley
Editor, PreachingToday.com

Matt Woodley is the pastor of compassion ministries at Church of the Resurrection in Wheaton, Illinois.