Editor's Update
Ten Ways to Preach on the Death of Christ
We asked veteran preacher and homiletics professor Dr. Joel C. Gregory to give us a few interesting angles for preaching on the death of Christ. He came up with ten fascinating approaches. Of course there's the classic preaching on the seven last words of Christ from the Cross, but then there's the angle of focusing on the silent or marginal witnesses to the crucifixion, or the angle of focusing on great works of art that depict the crucifixion. Dr. Gregory breathes fresh life into a few familiar ideas, but he also surprised me with new ways to preach on familiar Passion narratives. This article shows what we love to do at PreachingToday.com—point to wise preaching mentors and coaches who can walk beside dedicated preachers.
Speaking of preaching coaches and mentors, check out this fabulous Easter sermon from one of our favorites (I know, we have lots of favorites around here)—" I Am Ascending" by Bryan Chapell. I love the way Bryan engages with the biblical text and contemporary culture, mentioning Google's drive to solve death and popular speaker and author Brené Brown's quest to heal shame. Chapell walks through the text and then points to the ultimate and true source to heal both death and shame: "It's the great message of the Resurrection. Not only is the problem of dying solved, but the problem of living is solved, as well." Now that's good news.
Also, check out these new resources:
- Featured Illustration: The Story of St. Patrick's Cathedral Renovation
- Featured Video: The Jesus Story: The story of God's love, embodied and seen in the person of Jesus, is indeed the greatest story ever told. But what is that story, and what are we being invited into?
- Featured Sermon: "I Am Ascending" by Bryan Chapell
- Featured Skills Article: "Ten Angles for Preaching on Christ's Death" by Joel C. Gregory
Matt Woodley
Editor, PreachingToday.com
Matt Woodley is the pastor of compassion ministries at Church of the Resurrection in Wheaton, Illinois.