Skill Builders
Illustrating: Want More?
Here for further study are additional workshops and articles on the use of sermon illustrations:
Kevin Miller: 3-D Storytelling: Audio Workshop How to bring your sermon's stories to life.
Steve Mathewson: Vitality of Specifics How to choose the best words to tell the story
Craig Brian Larson: Limits of Personal Illustrations Why stories from your experience are not always the best way to illustrate
Craig Brian Larson: Grafting in the Third-Person Illustration (part one) How to make illustrations that do not come from your own experience into an organic part of the sermon
Craig Brian Larson: Grafting in the Third-Person Illustration (part two) How to make illustrations that do not come from your own experience into an organic part of the sermon
Sam O'Neal: Search Smart If you use the Internet to find and confirm sermon illustrations, these five websites will help you make the most of your time.
Recommended book
Using Illustrations to Preach with Power
Bryan Chapell
Crossway, 2001