Your Soul: The Calling to Preach

Leaning In, Letting Go
Steve Norman

The Preacher's Dialogue
Son of man, can these bones live again? How does one answer that kind of question?
Gardner Taylor

J. I. Packer on Preaching As God's Derivative Word
Can we rightly say that when the preacher speaks, God speaks? What Calvin can teach us about preaching with authority
J. I. Packer

Passionate for God or Addicted to Mediocrity?
The majesty of God calls for our response of love and excellence.
Ajith Fernando

Preaching in Church Plants
Practical tips from 4 church planters for your first year.
Aaron Damiani, Trevor McMaken, Scott Cunningham, and Rick Stawarz

What is the Preacher’s Responsibility (Especially During a Pandemic)?
To lead our flock in distinguishing itself from the world.
Ryan Welsh

15 Preaching Best Practices
Tips from great preachers that make a difference in the pulpit
Aaron Damiani