Sermon Illustrations about Absolutes
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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Absolutes to help bring your sermon to life.
How All Cultures Can Domesticate the Gospel
The British theologian Leslie Newbigin told the following story to illustrate how different cultures water down the claims of Jesus:
When I was a young ...
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How to Make God's Clear Words Ambiguous
Lee Strobel uses the following illustration to highlight the moral rebellion that makes clear truths of Scripture much more ambiguous than they are.
Imagine ...
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Ship Misguided by Faulty Maps
In the Kingdom of Ice is journalist Hampton Sides' compelling account of the failed nineteenth-century polar expedition of the USS Jeannette, captained ...
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Poll Reveals Our Six-Part 'New Moral Code'
An August 2015 poll from Barna highlighted what's been called our "new moral code." Here are the percentages of those who agreed "completely" ...
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Fighting Human Trafficking Requires Absolutes
In his book Visions of Vocation, Christian author and thinker Stephen Garber tells the story of meeting a woman who directed the Protection Project, an ...
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Contest Rewrites the Ten Commandments
An article on CNN reported on two atheists who wanted to rewrite the Ten Commandments. The article begins with this question: "What if, instead of ...
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A College Speaker Proves Relativism Doesn't Work
Christian philosopher J.P. Moreland has written about an encounter with a student at the University of Vermont. Moreland was speaking in a dorm when a ...
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Umpire Says He Calls the Plays
Bill Klem was the father of baseball umpires: colorful, judicious, and dignified. He was beyond passionate about America's favorite pastime, declaring, ...
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A Parable About a Plant That Takes Over a House
Tim loved his brand new house. The architect, who had supervised the entire building work, designed it so it was a big, open building. The walls were ...
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Skydiving Needs Absolute Rules, not Relativism
If you go skydiving at the Southwest Florida Skydiving Club in Punta Gorda, Florida, you can count on two things: (1) an exciting experience and (2) the ...
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