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Sermon Illustrations about Absolutes

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Absolutes to help bring your sermon to life.

Professor Startled by Student's Lack of Ethical Baseline

Dr. Stephen L. Anderson, a professor in Ontario, Canada, had what he called a moment of "startling clarity" while teaching a section on ethics ...

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Famous Board Game Reflects Our Changing Values

The hugely popular board game by Milton Bradley called The Game of Life went through the following variations—all of which reflect the changing ...

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Violating God's Law Is Like Putting Our Hand in Fire

Dorothy Sayers, the mystery writer, was also a devoted Christian. Dorothy Sayers was attempting to explain the moral law of God. She pointed out that ...

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Tim Keller Shares His Approach to Evangelism

In an essay in the book A Place for Truth, Tim Keller claims that he often hears people say, "I don't know which religion is true" or "No ...

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Customizing the Bible Like the Pandora Radio Program

One of the marvels of the Internet age is Pandora radio. When you listen to a radio station on terrestrial or satellite radio, you have to listen to every ...

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Professor Demonstrates That Moral Relativism Is Unlivable

In his booklet Absolute Truth, Mark Ashton tells the following story about a professor who demonstrates that moral relativism is unlivable:

Roger Wengert, ...

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Knowing the God of the Bible, Not the God of Our Imaginations

In his book Soul Searching, Christian Smith summarized perceptions about God that are prevalent in the church and in contemporary culture. He said that ...

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A Lesson from the Life of the "Tone-Deaf Diva"

Florence Foster Jenkins, a soprano, loved to sing—especially the great operatic classics. She inherited money when she was in her 50s, which funded ...

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Chesterton on Tolerance

Tolerance is the virtue of the man without convictions.

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Chesterton on Defining Evil

Men do not differ much about what things they will call evils; they differ enormously about what evils they will call excusable.

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