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Sermon Illustrations about Alcoholism

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Alcoholism to help bring your sermon to life.

Actor Rob Lowe's Advice on Resentment

In a 2015 interview with GQ, actor Rob Lowe admits he got sober through public humiliation. The pretty boy of the 1980s TV show Brat Pack, Lowe spent ...

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Christians Give Up Alcohol Out of Love for Neighbors

In a Christianity Today article, a 30-year-old Christian named D.L. Mayfield describes how her and her husband made a decision to abstain from alcohol: ...

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Max Lucado Shows the Power of Honest Confession

In his book “Grace” Max Lucado writes:

Ever since my high school buddy and I drank ourselves sick with a case of quarts, I have liked beer ...

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Students Blame Sexual Immorality on Drunkenness

God gives his commands for our good. For example, God forbids drunkenness. Studies into drunkenness among college students provide a glimpse into the ...

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The Positive or Negative Influence of Friendships and Small Groups

An article from Wired Magazine explored why AA has been able to help millions of people recover from an alcohol addiction. The article begins by stating, ...

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Former Alcoholic Donates His First Paycheck to God

Craig C. had been an alcoholic for more than a dozen years. He'd lost everything he had, including his wife and son, due to his selfishness and addiction. ...

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The Terrible Price of Sin

In his book Finishing Strong, Steve Farrar sums up well the terrible price of sin:

"Sin will take you farther than you want to go,

Keep you longer ...

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The Conversion of NFL Broadcaster Pat Summerall

For 45 years, Pat Summerall's voice and face spelled football. He anchored CBS and FOX's NFL telecasts (often alongside John Madden) and broadcast ...

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Man Cooks with Gun-Powder After Drinking

While preparing for a cookout, a Delaware man decided to use gunpowder rather than charcoal or lighter fluid to get the coals glowing in his grill. The ...

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Father Expresses Love to Alcoholic Son

In his book, Searching for God Knows What, Donald Miller shares a story of how he helped a friend whose alcoholism was destroying his life:

Last year, ...

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