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Sermon Illustrations about Alcoholism

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Alcoholism to help bring your sermon to life.

Research Shows Problem Drinking Starts Early

University of Buffalo researchers surveyed the drinking habits of 2,200 Americans, and found that the younger their subjects were when they had their ...

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"War and Peace": Knowing Right and Doing Wrong

War and Peace is based on Leo Tolstoy's classic novel. With the backdrop of Napoleon Bonaparte's invasion of Russia in the early 1800s, a variety ...

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Jack Bivans Unshackled

For decades Jack Bivans has been one of the radio voices on Unshackled!, the radio theater produced by Chicago's Pacific Garden Mission for over 50 ...

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Prisoner of War Finds Living Harder than Death

The obituary of Colonel Floyd J. Thompson said that for nine years he "endured cold cells, jungle cages, and torture in Vietnam, becoming the longest-serving ...

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Announcer Pat Summerall Enjoys His Salvation

Pat Summerall, the well known sports announcer, overcame alcoholism and became a follower of Christ in his late sixties. He said this about water baptism: ...

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Max Lucado Confesses Struggle

Author and pastor Max Lucado said that giving up beer helped him get closer to God. Lucado said, "I come from a family of alcoholism. If there's ...

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Ministering in Our Weakness

Elisa Morgan, president of MOPS (Mothers of Preschoolers) International, writes:

I'm probably the least likely person to head a mothering organization. ...

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Training for Failure

The increase of suicides, alcoholics, and even some forms of nervous breakdowns is evidence that many people are training for success when they should ...

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