Sermon Illustrations about Atonement
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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Atonement to help bring your sermon to life.
The Wealthy in China Use Body Doubles
In China, the extremely wealthy can avoid prison terms by hiring body doubles. Incredibly, this is true! originally broke the story of how the ...
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Atonement Is in Our Blood
In a sermon on the Atonement, Will Anderson used the following illustration:
Food demonstrates how everyone benefits from a form of atonement, whether ...
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Christ Has Blazed the Trail
Max Lucado tells the story of a missionary in Brazil who discovered a tribe of Indians in a remote part of the jungle. They lived near a large river. ...
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Forgiveness Always Comes at A Cost
Pastor and author J.D. Greear writes:
I remember a Muslim asking me when I lived in Southeast Asia, why would God need somebody to die in order to forgive ...
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Christ Suffered for Us - The Lesson of The Lepers
In her book Ten Fingers for God, Dorothy Clarke Wilson writes about Dr. Paul Brand who worked with leprosy patients in India.
Sometimes they would all ...
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Facebook Rejects Theology Ad: ‘Cross is Shocking and Excessively Violent’
A Franciscan University in Ohio recently posted a series of ads on Facebook to promote some of its online theology programs. But Facebook rejected one ...
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The Red Bandana in the 9/11 Museum
In a recent book Jack Alexander writes:
From the time he was six years old, Welles Crowther wore a red bandana. His father gave it to him, explaining the ...
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Artificial Blood Developed for Patients of Any Blood Type
When someone has been injured in a serious accident or has excessive bleeding during surgery there is often an immediate need for a blood transfusion. ...
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COVID-19 and the Crown of Thorns
In his blog article, Dr. Timothy Tennent, the President of Asbury Theological Seminary, makes a fascinating connection between the Coronavrius and the ...
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The Dead Don’t Bleed
After a serious car accident in Venezuela, Carlos Camejo was pronounced dead at the scene. Officials released the body to the morgue and a routine autopsy ...
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