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Sermon Illustrations about Atonement

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Atonement to help bring your sermon to life.

Church Pays Debt Instead of Elaborate Easter Service

Usually, at Easter, Wichita’s Pathway Church spends money on TV ads and direct mail to promote their Easter Sunday service. But in 2019 the church ...

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A Royal Birth Leads to Pardons

When Pricess Lalla Salma gave birth to a daughter named Lalla Khadija, her husband King Mohammed VI of Morocco was delighted. In fact, he wanted to celebrate. ...

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How Long is a Trillion Seconds?

The New York Times published an article explaining large numbers like a million, billion, and trillion. The article was titled “Just how long is ...

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Choking Woman Saved By Doctor Filling in As Busboy

It was a very lucky St. Patrick’s Day for a woman in need of a life-saving assist at a Chicago area restaurant. A last-minute staffing issue left ...

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Instruments of Death Become Symbols of Eternal Life

During World War II General Douglas MacArthur wanted an island airfield from which to launch his forces and so he invaded the Indonesian island of Biak. ...

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Remembering the Gift of Life

In an interview on NPR’S Fresh Air, Joshua Mezrich, an associate professor in the division of multiorgan transplantation at the University of Wisconsin ...

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Global Search Finds Blood Donor for Three-Year-Old Cancer Patient

Three-year-old Zainab Mughal, who lives in Florida, requires frequent blood transfusions for cancer treatment. There are over 300 different blood types, ...

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God’s Power in Unexpected Places

Richard Dawkins is the author of The God Delusion. He was formerly Professor for Public Understanding of Science at Oxford University. He once debated ...

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Police Officer Gives Life in Exchange for Hostage

In March 2018 a lone gunman took several people hostage in a French supermarket. Arnaud Beltrame, a French police officer, offered to trade places with ...

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Feeling Guilty, Man Pays 44-Year-Old Parking Ticket

In Minersville, Pennsylvania a man cleared his conscience by paying a 44-year-old parking ticket. The Minersville Police Department received a letter ...

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