Sermon Illustrations
Lithuanian Christian Radiates Christ's Love in Siberia
Nijole Sadunaite is a Lithuanian Christian who was severely persecuted for her faith under Communism. Arrested in 1974 for publishing underground reports of the persecution of Christians throughout the Soviet bloc, she was eventually exiled to Siberia. A book about her, entitled A Radiance in the Gulag, reveals her character: she was a "radiance." How so?
Since Nijole's suffering became known by various Christian organizations in the West, a large number of believers knew of her plight. Consequently, Nijole received many care packages while she was in exile. Although it was against the law, the Communist guards made her pay to receive these packages. Prisoners in exile had to work, and they received a starvation wage of a meager 75 rubles per month. Their housing cost 20 rubles, and the prisoners were made to pay sometimes over 45 rubles to accept any packages sent to them. But time after time, Nijole accepted these packages, paid for them, and then re-packaged them and mailed them to Christians in other parts of the Soviet bloc whom she believed were suffering worse than she was.
The Communist guards and postal officials could not make any sense out of this. It was a kindness and a sacrifice that utterly dumbfounded them. One time, some girls who were members of the Communist youth organization questioned Nijole about her strange behavior. Nijole replied that she wanted to help her impoverished brothers and sisters in Christ who were suffering. And the girls asked her, if we were ever put in jail, and you learned of it, would you send us your care packages? And Nijole replied, "Of course, if I knew your address."
Nijole Sadunaite displayed the gift of aroma. Christ's love in her heart made her "a radiance in the gulag." Her service, faith, and sacrificial kindness made her life a fragrant offering to God—and one that intrigued non-believers.