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How many times does your phone buzz or beep notifying you of a news story, a social media post, or a new email. Dave Pell wrote a humorous blog, saying we only need five notifications.

Notification One: [These notifications] are now competing for your lock screen.

Notification Two: You don't need to be immediately notified of any breaking news that's happening more than about 18 feet from where you are right now.

Notification Three: The notion that you need to know about world events right when they happen is a marketing creation of media brands. … The stuff that has something to do with you is now almost impossible to distinguish from the stuff that doesn't.

Notification Four: It's on the computer. It's in the app. It's on your wrist. It's on your lock screen. [Notifications are everywhere.]

Notification Five: Your mom left a voicemail.

Possible Preaching Angle:

This is a humorous look at how many times we are being interrupted by technology and by notifications that we don't need. When you turn notifications off do you feel lost or do you feel freed? This is a great reminder that we can become so focused on the wrong things that we miss what God is trying to say to us. Even when you are doing your devotions you can hear the beep or buzzing of your phone, maybe next time leave the phone off.

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