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Toddler's Exchange with Smart Speaker Popular in Viral Video

Aly Femia keeps an Amazon-branded smart speaker in the room with her son so he can listen to lullabies. But she had no idea how comfortable her baby had become with the speaker. In the footage from her baby video monitor, she overheard a conversation that her son was having with … well … Alexa.

Having woken during the middle of the night, the boy turns and says, “Alexa,” which turned on the smart speaker, “I need daddy.” Now that Alexa is listening, it replies with, “What should I add?” The toddler replies, “daddy.”

We’re going to guess he was hoping Alexa was going to go get his dad. Maybe so he could get him another glass of water before he falls asleep. Or some other bedtime procrastination technique that kids are good at—another bedtime story.

Alexa then hilariously replied, “I’ve added daddy to your shopping list, is there anything else?” The adorable boy replied, “Urm … no,” which might be the sweetest thing ever.

Femia posted the video on TikTok where it has totaled over 3.7 million views because it’s simply hilarious and adorable. Commentors on social media have been wondering what exactly Alexa put on its shopping list, but industry analysts are sure that, whatever product it is, Femia will be seeing ads for it on all her devices for weeks.

Possible Preaching Angle:

In moments of crisis, we can call on God, not just as a distant Creator, but as a loving Dad who knows and cares about us. Even if it doesn’t seem feasible or logical, our heavenly Father is always near.

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