Sermon Illustrations about Addiction
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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Addiction to help bring your sermon to life.
Teenager Is Addicted to Social Media
An article in The Atlantic shared an interview with a 14-year-old girl from New Jersey named Casey. Casey got her first computer (a toy) when she was ...
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Journalist Discovers the Ugliness of Lust
For most of his career as a British journalist, Malcolm Muggeridge was a quarrelsome writer known for heavy drinking and smoking, womanizing, and espousing ...
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Wood Ticks and the Disease of 'More'
Nancy Ortberg tells the story about how their family dog, a golden retriever named Baxter, would get covered with ticks. So after doing some research ...
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The Hobbit: the Lure of Riches
In his book The Hobbit, J.R.R. Tolkien's hero, Bilbo Baggins, must cross paths with a terrifying dragon named Smaug. But as Bilbo creeps into Smaug's ...
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Study Shows the Harm from Long-Term Marijuana Use
A new study from New Zealand concluded that "young people who smoke [marijuana] for years run the risk of a significant and irreversible reduction ...
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Max Lucado Shows the Power of Honest Confession
In his book “Grace” Max Lucado writes:
Ever since my high school buddy and I drank ourselves sick with a case of quarts, I have liked beer ...
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Young Girl Freed from Slavery Returns to Her Pimp
In their Pulitzer Prize-winning book, Half the Sky, Nicholas Kristof and his wife Sheryl WuDunn report on [the] worldwide slavery [in sex trafficking], ...
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Carelessness Causes Deaths at the Grand Canyon
In his book Over the Edge: Death in the Grand Canyon, Michael P. Ghiglieri chronicles the nearly 700 deaths that have occurred in the Grand Canyon since ...
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Customers Risk Their Lives to Eat a 10,000 Calorie Burger
Consider the foolhardy risk takers at the famous Heart Attack Grill in Las Vegas. This restaurant, known for its "flatliner fries" cooked in ...
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Sex Addiction Has Become a "National Epidemic"
"Sex addiction" remains a controversial designation—often dismissed as a myth or providing talk-show punchlines thanks to high-profile ...
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