Sermon Illustrations about Addiction
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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Addiction to help bring your sermon to life.
The Adrenaline "High" of Ministry Becomes a Dangerous Iceberg
The book God in a Brothel recounts the stories of investigator Dan Walker's ministry to infiltrate brothels and free young women and children trapped ...
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Research Proves That Men Really Don't Like Asking for Help
We've all heard jokes about the average guy's unwillingness to ask for directions, but compared to women, are men really less likely to ask for ...
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Woman's Pet Boa Constrictor Causes Her Death
A few years ago there was a fascinating but rather unpleasant story. It had all the qualities of a good mystery. A frantic 911 call brought police to ...
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The Addictive Nature of Online or Video Games
In his book Brandwashed, marketing guru turned consumer advocate Martin Lindstrom argues that online or video-based games can be "extraordinarily ...
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Temptation Is Like Getting Hooked by a Fishing Lure
John Ortberg wrote in “The Me I Want to Be":
Recently my wife and I went fly-fishing for the first time. Our guides told us that "to catch ...
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The Stages of Pornography Addiction
In his book Wired for Intimacy, Christian psychologist William M. Struthers lists the following stages of how men get hooked on pornography:
- Denial—"Sure," they may say, "I've looked at it in the past, but I don't anymore." Most men will confess their struggle with pornography only under the conditions of anonymity and confidentiality.
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C. S. Lewis on Killing the "Red Lizard" of Sin
In his book, The Great Divorce, C. S. Lewis tells of a busload of people who travel to heaven on their way to take up residence in hell. These people ...
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Students Blame Sexual Immorality on Drunkenness
God gives his commands for our good. For example, God forbids drunkenness. Studies into drunkenness among college students provide a glimpse into the ...
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Addiction Is a Picture of False Worship
In his book Addiction and Virtue, Kent Dunnington likens addiction to counterfeit worship:
Several years ago, a friend who had worked his way through graduate ...
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The TV Show "Hoarders" Exposes Our Misplaced Affections
The TV show "Hoarders" features the true stories about people with compulsions so strong that they can't let go of their "stuff." ...
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