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Sermon Illustrations about Adolescence

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Adolescence to help bring your sermon to life.

Streaming Services Efforts to Grab Your Attention

Disney is trying to be as addictive as Netflix, and they want to grab and keep your attention. Disney spent years trying to attract new subscribers to ...

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Anxiety Keeps 25% of Children Up at Night

For parents of young children, few things are as precious as a good night’s sleep—both for their child and for themselves. Yet many parents ...

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Teen Cannabis Use Causes Later Life Problems

Two researchers from New Zealand set out to study “Cannabis Use and Later Life Outcomes.” They published the results of their research in ...

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Are Teens Hooked on AI Friends?

Fifteen-year-old Aaron was going through a dark time at school. He’d fallen out with his friends, leaving him feeling isolated and alone.

At the ...

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Study Reveals Whom Children Really Trust

In a new study published in Computers in Human Behavior, a team evaluated 118 children aged three to six and found that overall, kids were more inclined ...

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Out With Play, In with Phone-Based Childhood

In his book, The Anxious Generation, author Jonathan Haidt confirms our worst fears about what happened to Generation Z, the first generation to go through ...

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Heartwarming Reunion Goes Viral

Steve Burns wasn’t conventionally handsome when he first auditioned to become the host of the Nickelodeon children’s show Blue’s Clues, ...

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A ‘Typewriter Rebellion’ Is Underway

You might call it the sound of a rebellion. Young people in the Phoenix, Arizona valley are buying old manual typewriters and using them as a creative ...

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Despicable Online Predators Harming Children

Parents have another vector of potential harm to monitor besides the most popular social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, and X. Bad ...

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Mom Puts Her Kids on TV Fast, Kids Thrive

With a love for cultivating an “old-fashioned” life and returning to what truly matters, a mom of three encouraged her kids to adopt a “TV ...

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