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Sermon Illustrations about Adolescence

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Adolescence to help bring your sermon to life.

Adolescent Depression May Be Linked to Technology

In her Twitter feed, psychologist Jean Twenge summarized the content of her article on the rise in teen depression. The National Survey on Drug and Health ...

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Confusion About Masculinity and How to Raise Boys

Bestselling author Peggy Orenstein recently spent two years speaking to boys across America. In a lengthy piece for The Atlantic, she cites a survey of ...

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God Uses the Young but Saves His Best Work for the Mature

Os Guinness argues that God can use and has used people in their youth, but God also has accomplished some of his best work through people more advanced ...

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Actress Laments Our 'Fixation on Youth'

In a New York Times article, actress Frances McDormand spoke out against what she called Hollywood's and America's "perverse fixation on ...

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Props for Making Bread Illustrate Parenting

Here's an object lesson that you can use to explain how our children inherit a sinful nature, and how it is activated, tempting them to act on their ...

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Research Shows Youth Need Three Key Relationships

What factors help Christian youth maintain their faith into adulthood? A major research project called the National Study of Youth and Religion found ...

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Leaving Children Alone in a Chemistry Lab

Leaving children to discover their own values is a little like putting them in a chemistry lab full of volatile substances and saying, "Discover ...

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Teenager Is Addicted to Social Media

An article in The Atlantic shared an interview with a 14-year-old girl from New Jersey named Casey. Casey got her first computer (a toy) when she was ...

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Research Shows that Teens Need Their Dad's Time

A study from Penn State researchers published in the journal Child Development tracked nearly 200 families over a seven year period. Not surprisingly, ...

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Boys Need Mentors More than Ever

In 2002, the U.S. Secret Service completed the Safe School Initiative, a study of school shootings and other school-based attacks. The study examined ...

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