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Sermon Illustrations about Affirmation

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4th Grader Applies for NASA Position

When NASA posted a job opening for a "Planetary Protection Officer," a position responsible for the microbial footprint of humans during interplanetary ...

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Every Contact Leaves a Trace

In his beautiful TEDx talk, John Sutherland, an officer in London's police department, explains a principle in forensic science called Locard's ...

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Online Ad Seeks "Generic Dad" for Barbecue Party

A Craiglist ad gained internet fame after a group of friends in their twenties posted a request for a "generic" dad to barbecue burgers and ...

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The Worst Mother's Day Gifts and Cards

According to a British survey, 40 percent of moms have received an unwanted Mother's Day gift, but most of them were too polite to complain. Here's ...

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College Admissions Committee Accepts Recommendation by School Custodian

Rebecca Sabky, an undergraduate admissions counselor at an Ivy League School, reads over 2,000 college applications every year. She writes: "The ...

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A South African Greeting for 'I See You'

In their book Next Door As It Is in Heaven, authors Lance Ford and Brad Briscoe discuss the profound loneliness people are regularly experiencing in our ...

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NFL Refs Swayed by Crowd Pressure

Football referees are unbiased, right? They would never be influenced by fans or football players, right? Well, according to a study football refs are ...

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Inventor of the Big Mac Just Got a Plaque

In April 1967, hamburger lovers in Uniontown, Pennsylvania met a newer, bigger burger—it was called the Big Mac, and for 45 cents it delivered, ...

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The Peculiar Journey of a Message in a Bottle

A glass bottle washed up on the beach, a decades-old note inside: sounds a bit like a movie, right? For Clint Buffington, that situation turned into a ...

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Study Concludes Gratitude Strengthens Marriages

The key to a happy and lasting marriage might be as simple as regularly expressing gratitude. So report researchers from the University of Georgia in ...

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