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Sermon Illustrations about Affirmation

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Affirmation to help bring your sermon to life.

Couple Gets More Thanks at Hospital than Church

Gordon MacDonald tells a story about a husband and wife team who are three-day-a-week volunteers at Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston. The wife ...

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Research Shows Gratitude Reduces Impatience

You've probably heard the humorous prayer of the impatient person: "Lord, please give me patience—right now!" Most of us struggle ...

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School's Test Results Letter an Example of Affirmation

The traditional school system is quite good at many things. But rarely do students receive formal affirmation for anything other than high test results ...

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Famous Actor Craved His Parents' Affirmation

Ben Kingsley, the Academy-Award winning actor who has starred in Iron Man 3, Hugo, Schindler's List, and Gandhi, still hasn't forgiven his parents ...

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Young Woman Still Needs Her Father’s Love

In an article on Kyria, Sarah Scherf writes:

I spent last week at the beach in Florida, relaxing with my family. The week was for eating fresh seafood, ...

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Research Highlights the "Missing Ingredient"—Appreciation

Business researchers call it "the missing ingredient" or "the hidden accelerator." Most managers could transform their workplaces ...

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'Toy Story 3' Shows the Power of Blessing Others' Gifts

In the movie Toy Story 3, Andy, the owner of Woody, Buzz Lightyear, and other toys, is preparing to leave for college. At the end of the movie, he decides ...

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Tony Campolo Throws a Party for a Prostitute

In his book The Kingdom of God Is a Party, Tony Campolo relates an experience he had late one night in Hawaii.

Up a side street I found a little place ...

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Mom's Impressive Job Description

Author and preacher Tony Campolo said that when his wife, Peggy, was at home fulltime with their children and someone would ask, "And what is it ...

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The Church Should Cheer Like Duke

In all of sports, there is perhaps no basketball rivalry quite as intense as that between the Universities of Duke and North Carolina. The campuses are ...

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