Sermon Illustrations about Afterlife
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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Afterlife to help bring your sermon to life.
Katharine Hepburn on the Afterlife
Hollywood great Katharine Hepburn died on June 29, 2003, at the age of 96 and was eulogized as a one-of-a-kind actress. She won four Academy Awards, but ...
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Near-Death Experiences and Hell
I came across a book written by a cardiologist at the University of Tennessee that corroborates an important aspect of the biblical message. In the course ...
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Sailor Says Bittersweet Farewell to His Boat
A U.S. Navy warship plucked Richard Van Pham, a 62-year-old Vietnamese immigrant, from the waters off Costa Rica on September 17, 2002. He was 2,500 miles ...
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Candice Bergen's Wish for Eternal Life
When asked by interviewer Meg Grant to name three wishes, actress Candice Bergen, responded, "Aside from eternal life?"
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Man Buried with His Money
There was a man who worked all his life and saved as much as he could. He loved money more than anything.
Just before he died, he said to his wife, "When ...
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Actress Natalie Portman on Life After Death
Natalie Portman, the actress who plays Padme Amidala in the Star Wars movies, The Phantom Menace and Attack of the Clones, is uncomfortable with the notion ...
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Kevin Costner Wants to Believe in Heaven
In an interview with Kevin Costner concerning his movie Dragonfly, Holly McClure asked Costner if he believed in heaven. He replied:
I desperately want ...
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NBA's Allen Iverson: No Guessing About Heaven
Allen Iverson, former superstar guard for the Philadelphia 76ers, talks about the death of his friend Rah, who was murdered, and his thoughts about the ...
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God Celebrates Our Arrival
I remember being touched by the popular song "Tie a Yellow Ribbon." It tells of a man who's been sent to prison. He's served his time ...
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Mother Brings Peace During Crisis
Cindy Holmes is a writer and pediatric nurse in Houston, Texas. She wrote an article about a mother and child she got to know at the hospital who were ...
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