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Sermon Illustrations about Afterlife

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Afterlife to help bring your sermon to life.

Death without Hope

Philip Yancey describes a unique funeral custom conducted by African Muslims. Close family and friends circle the casket and quietly gaze at the corpse. ...

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Consider Hell's Reality

The phone call came early on a Friday morning:

"Hello. David Noel?"


"This is your neighbor, Mrs. Waldron."


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Is Hell Real?

It seems that hell isn't as hot as it used to be. Since the days of fiery sermons from Puritan preachers like Jonathan Edwards, hell has become "more ...

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Hopeful Picture of Death

Cathy Hainer was a USA Today reporter who wrote about her battle against cancer. A short time before she died, she wrote:

I have moments when the fear ...

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Steinbeck Hears Sermon on Hell

John Steinbeck, in Travels with Charley: In Search of America, writes his thoughts on a sermon he heard while attending a church in New England:

It had ...

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Heaven Can Wait

On the Saturday evening before Easter, I was trying to distract my hungry four-year-old son, Scott, and get dinner on the table. I decided to explain ...

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Not Buried but Sown

As I go into a cemetery I like to think of the time when the dead shall rise from their graves. ... Thank God, our friends are not buried; they are only ...

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Gospel Concerns Eternal Destiny

Temporal concerns make fine bridges for the gospel, but ultimately the gospel is about your eternal destiny.

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Decisive Evidence

They sometimes tell us that no one has ever come back from the other world to give us assurance of it. But that is not so. Christ came back. He authenticated ...

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So Little Time?

We are always complaining that our days are few and acting as though there would be no end of them.

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