Sermon Illustrations about Age
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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Age to help bring your sermon to life.
Positive Attitude Makes for Longer Lifespan
Elderly people who have a negative attitude toward growing old are literally thinking themselves into an early grave. A Reuters News report from a journal ...
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John Wesley Ministered with Serenity
At 73 years of age, John Wesley related in his journal (June 28, 1776) that he was far more able to preach than when 23-years-old; he traveled more than ...
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Retirement Home Salad Bar Becomes Battleground
Retirement homes are generally quiet places. The Spring Haven Retirement Community in Florida found their peace disrupted over a nasty incident at the ...
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Dr. Paul Brand Reaches His Spiritual Peak
Steve Moore tells of a friend's experience at a retirement home dedication:
The ceremony included remarks from one of the new residents, Dr. Paul Brand, ...
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The Blessing of Growing Old
How much easier it is then, how much more receptive we are to death, when advancing years guide us softly to our end. Aging thus is in no sense a punishment ...
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Announcer Pat Summerall Enjoys His Salvation
Pat Summerall, the well known sports announcer, overcame alcoholism and became a follower of Christ in his late sixties. He said this about water baptism: ...
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Hidden Truth
It is the meaning that men attribute to their life, it is their entire system of values that define the meaning and the value of old age. The reverse ...
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