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Sermon Illustrations about Alertness

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Alertness to help bring your sermon to life.

How Multitasking Messes with Your Prayer Life

An article on the website First Things advocates one simple way to improve your prayer life—stop multitasking. David Ousley writes:

Multitasking ...

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Transit Agency Unveils Giant Thumb Tack

When the local public transportation agency in Elizabethtown, Kentucky, received a federal grant to refurbish their headquarters, they wanted to call ...

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Our Language Is Growing Pessimistic

The Financial Times had a story on a fascinating study showing that our language has been growing more pessimistic. Whereas at the time of the scientific ...

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Astonishing Video Gaming Statistics

The gaming industry, valued at around 257 billion US dollars as of 2024, is on a winning streak. As the pandemic ceased, the competition among gaming ...

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A ‘Typewriter Rebellion’ Is Underway

You might call it the sound of a rebellion. Young people in the Phoenix, Arizona valley are buying old manual typewriters and using them as a creative ...

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Fisherman Bitten by Shark After Ignoring Warning

A shocking video captured the moment a fisherman was bitten by a shark that pulled him overboard into the murky waters of Florida’s Everglades—seconds ...

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Smartphones and Distracted Drivers

It’s frustrating to public safety officials that there is so little publicly available data on the role that smartphones play in distracting drivers ...

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The Addictive Nature of Online Gaming

In 2018, the World Health Organization (WHO) officially recognized "internet gaming disorder" (IGD). Addicts play pathologically. They can't ...

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Professor Put Clues to Cash Prize in Syllabus

Kenyon Wilson, a professor at the University of Tennessee, wanted to test whether any of his students fully read the syllabus for his music seminar. Of ...

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Alligator Knocks at a Home and Bites Man’s Leg

A Florida man was bitten on the leg by an unexpected visitor: An alligator waiting right outside his door. Daytona Beach resident Scot Hollingsworth was ...

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