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Sermon Illustrations about Anniversary

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Anniversary to help bring your sermon to life.

Why More Americans Are Not Getting Married

As of 2021, around 25% of 40-year-old Americans are not married—the highest percentage ever recorded. In his book, Get Married: Why Americans Must ...

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Common Reasons People Get Married

Forbes Advisor commissioned a survey of 1,000 Americans who are divorced or who are in the process of divorcing to discover why marriages fail. A total ...

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To Be Happy, Marriage Matters More than Career

New York Times columnist David Brooks writes:

When I’m around young adults I like to ask them how they are thinking about the big commitments in ...

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For Whom No Wedding Bells Toll

Marriage rates are at a record low in the United States, according to the National Center for Health Statistics. In 2021, only 50% of American adults ...

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Matrimony Is on the Decline

A national survey in 2014 for the Austin Institute showed that:

56% of evangelicals between ages 20 and 39 were currently married. Only 42% of the rest ...

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An Inseparable Love

After being married for 68 years, Minnesota sweethearts died a day apart --a testament, their kids say, to their independence and devotion to each other. ...

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Faithful Christian Marriage Models God's Love

Christopher Ash reflects on the testimony of Christian marriages in his book Married for God:

Some years ago a dispute arose in Britain between Foreign ...

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Husband with Alzheimer's Proposed Again to His Wife of 38 Years

Michael Joyce's memory and some of his speech have been snatched by Alzheimer's. The disease is so advanced that he forgot he was married to his ...

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Famous Musician's Wisdom on Marriage

The singer/songwriter Leonard Cohen (a Jew who seemed to have an interest in the person of Jesus Christ) once called marriage "the hottest furnace ...

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Marriage Therapist: Couples Need Role Model to Inspire Them

A recent This American Life podcast features an interview between Ira Glass, the podcast host, and a marriage therapist named Esther Perel. Ira Glass ...

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