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Sermon Illustrations about Anxiety

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Anxiety to help bring your sermon to life.

Woman Prays Her Way Through Injustice

Bryan Stephenson, author of Just Mercy and founder of an organization that tries to help those unjustly convicted of crimes, was trying to free a man ...

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Ancient Mapmakers Marked 'Here Be Dragons'

Medieval cartographers (mapmakers) sketched hic sunt dragones (translated "there be dragons") on the edges of their maps. Those three words ...

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A Profusion of Phrases Describe Information Overload

The phrase "information overload" was popularized by Alvin Toffler in 1970. "Information overload" is one of the biggest irritations ...

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Logician Succumbs to Distorted Reality

Kurt Gödel was a history-making logician and mathematician who died in 1978. In his later years, while working at the renowned Institute for Advanced ...

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Is Peace the Absence of People?

While elaborating on loving one's neighbor, apologist Michael Ramsden spoke of a colleague who while in Asia asked his audience to close their eyes ...

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Fear Narrows the Circle of Our Lives

In 1975, Roger Hart conducted a study on where children felt safe to play. He focused on 86 children between the ages of three to twelve in a small town ...

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'Waiting Expert' Shares What Makes Waiting Difficult

In a New York Times article, journalist Alex Stone tells the story of how executives at a Houston airport faced and then solved a cascade of passenger ...

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Business Leaders Often Feel Burnt Out

Srinivasan S. Pillay, a psychiatrist and an assistant clinical professor at Harvard Medical School who studies burnout, surveyed a random sample of 72 ...

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Research on 'Time-Starved' Mothers

Married couples in the United States spend, on average, 130 hours per week on paid and unpaid work combined. But all our hard work is not enough. Research ...

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Transatlantic Communication—in 1901 and Today

Near Cape Spear, the easternmost point of continental North America, you can find St. John's, Newfoundland. From there you can be one of the first ...

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