Sermon Illustrations about Apologetics
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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Apologetics to help bring your sermon to life.
Getting on the ‘Right Side of History’
The expression “on the right side of history” is an important tool today used by the progressive elite to silence biblically faithful Christians. ...
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God’s Greatest Physical Creation
The human brain has been rightfully called the greatest arrangement of matter in the universe. This is no overstatement. The following are six primary ...
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Atheist Christopher Hitchens Discredits Liberal Minister
In 2009, Marilyn Sewell, the retired minister of the First Unitarian Church of Portland Oregon, interviewed Christopher Hitchens, one of the most famous ...
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The Universe is a Physical Expression of God’s Perfection
Physicist Sean Carroll is a professor at the California Institute of Technology. In a recent interview on NPR, he marvels at the breathtaking number of ...
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Scientists Are More Religious Than You Think
In his book Star Struck: Seeing the Wonder of the Creator in the Cosmos, astronomy professor and committed Christian, David Hart Bradstreet writes:
Is ...
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How Beauty Is Making Scientists Rethink Evolution
Science writer Ferris Jabr asks a difficult question about those who do not believe in God as Creator: “How do you explain beauty?” He quotes ...
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Miracles, Evidence, and the Duck-Billed Platypus
If miracles are impossible, then the resurrection of Jesus could not have occurred, and we must look for some natural explanation of the events. But if ...
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The ‘Easter Effect’ and How it Changed the World
In a Wall Street Journalarticle, George Weigel gives a combination history lesson and apologetic for the Resurrection:
There is no accounting for the rise ...
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How Looking at the Visible Helps Us to See the Invisible
Reflecting upon Paul’s words from 2 Corinthians 4:16-18, author/pastor Matthew McCullough asks, “How do we see what is invisible more clearly ...
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The Harmony of the Gospels is like Reporters at Sports Event
In his book, Faith Is Like Skydiving, Rick Mattson illustrates the reliability of the gospel accounts of Jesus’ life and resurrection by drawing ...
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