Sermon Illustrations about Apostasy
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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Apostasy to help bring your sermon to life.
Can You Spot an AI Scam?
Almost half of Americans (48%) believe that the rise of artificial intelligence has made them less “scam-savvy” than ever before. With AI ...
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‘Nones’ Now the Largest Religious Group
When Americans are asked to check a box indicating their religious affiliation, 28% now check “none.” A new study from Pew Research finds ...
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Only Half of Americans Certain that God Exists
Only half of Americans now say they are sure God exists according to the General Social Survey, conducted by NORC, the research arm of the University ...
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Our Favorite Heresies
LifeWay Research and Ligonier Ministries have once again examined the theological awareness, or lack thereof, of American evangelicals. This time, instead ...
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Waiting for the Final Proof that Righteousness Pays
Author/speaker Christopher Ash asks, “What are we to make of the Bible’s passages that seem to speak quite straightforwardly of blessings ...
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Anchor Needed to Prevent Lostness
Science writer Michael Bond is a bit of an expert in the traumatic subject of lostness. He writes that being lost is a fear that runs deep in our psyche ...
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The Coming End of Christian America
America is still a "Christian nation," if the term simply means a majority of the population will claim the label when a pollster calls. But, ...
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Don't Get Led Astray
An aggressive Google Maps driving direction led to dozens of drivers getting stuck in mud on the way to Denver International Airport. A large crash in ...
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The Atheist Who Misses Heaven
Simon Davis, writing for Religion News Service, tells us, “Since atheist blogger Martin Hughes left Christianity, he hasn’t missed believing ...
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Reckless Driver Arrested After Ignoring Speeding Citation
Police cited a woman for speeding, hoping it would help her to slow down in the immediate future. Their hopes were in vain.
Deputies with the Lincoln County ...
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