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Sermon Illustrations about Appetites

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Appetites to help bring your sermon to life.

Watching TV Show 'Dexter' and the Creep of Sin

Editor's Note: Since it first debuted in 2006, the TV series Dexter has been nominated for 19 Primetime Emmy Awards, five Writers Guild of America ...

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The Hobbit: the Lure of Riches

In his book The Hobbit, J.R.R. Tolkien's hero, Bilbo Baggins, must cross paths with a terrifying dragon named Smaug. But as Bilbo creeps into Smaug's ...

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Researcher Claims We Decide Based on Cravings, Not Logic

In his book Predictably Irrational, researcher Dan Ariely claims that most of us are masters at deceiving ourselves and justifying our actions. In particular, ...

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Customers Risk Their Lives to Eat a 10,000 Calorie Burger

Consider the foolhardy risk takers at the famous Heart Attack Grill in Las Vegas. This restaurant, known for its "flatliner fries" cooked in ...

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The TV Show "Hoarders" Exposes Our Misplaced Affections

The TV show "Hoarders" features the true stories about people with compulsions so strong that they can't let go of their "stuff." ...

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Physical Hunger Parallels Our Desire for God's Presence

Author Frederica Mathewes-Green addresses people who hunger for God's presence but rarely feel it—at least not in dramatic ways. She writes:

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Man Overcomes Gambling Addiction

Before serving as a Methodist minister from 2000 to 2010 near Nashville, Tennessee, John M. Eades spent two decades as a therapist counseling drug and ...

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Young Man Learns How to Overcome Lust

In his book The Obedience Option, David Hegg illustrates what he calls "overwhelming faith." Hegg was talking to a young man who claimed that ...

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The Goodness of God's Jealousy

The Bible frequently describes God as a jealous lover. In his book titled Is God a Moral Monster?, Paul Copan asks the question, "When can jealousy ...

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C. S. Lewis on the God We Think Will Satisfy Us

What would really satisfy us would be a God who said of anything we happened to like doing, "What does it matter so long as they are contented?" ...

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