Sermon Illustrations about Appetites
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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Appetites to help bring your sermon to life.
Combating Pornography by Deepening Holiness Pathways
In his book “Wired for Intimacy,” William M. Struthers writes:
When I was young, I visited a farm that had an old-fashioned water pump. It ...
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What Tempts Men and Women
A survey of 3,000 U.S. adults identifies the differences and similarities between what men and women say tempts them the most:
Sex: Men (50 percent), Women ...
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G.K. Chesterton on the Truth About Fallacies
Fallacies do not cease to be fallacies because they become fashions.
—G.K. Chesterton, English writer (1874-1936)
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Doing Battle with the "Eve Factor"
Joe Stowell writes in “Jesus Nation”:
Several years ago, [my wife] and I moved out of Chicago to the western suburbs to be near our grandkids. ...
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Choosing Junction City, Kansas, Over Disney World
My pastor decided to pull a vacation surprise on his four children. "We're going to Junction City, Kansas," Peter told them. "It's ...
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Choosing the Easy Route When Battling Temptation
Jack Handey, known for his odd sense of humor frequently expressed in an old Saturday Night Live segment titled "Deep Thoughts," wrote an equally ...
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St. Francis's Extreme Embrace of Poverty
Among his many virtues, [St. Francis of Assisi] is known for his passionate embrace of poverty. Not only did he forbid his emerging Order to own property, ...
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Our Preposterous Fantasies
God has made [our] fantasies … so preposterously unrewarding that we are forced to turn to him for help and for mercy. We seek wealth and find ...
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Outthinking Burglars or Playing into Their Hands?
If we knew the most likely place a thief might strike would we react differently? The front door and first-floor window are the most common places burglars ...
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The True Power of Temptation
The power of temptation is not in its appeal to our baser instincts; if that were the case, it would be natural to be repulsed by it. The power of temptation ...
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