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Sermon Illustrations about Appetites

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Appetites to help bring your sermon to life.

Reasons for Image Obsession Among Girls

In an article for Psychology Today magazine, Hara Marano writes about the constant pressure girls face concerning their image. Deprived of an internal ...

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Different Attitudes Among Silver and Bronze Medalists

A fascinating study done by Professor Vicki Medvec reveals the relative importance of subjective attitudes over and above objective circumstances. Medvec ...

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Most Bypass Patients Don't Change Lifestyles

A [2006] medical study reveals just how difficult change is for people. Roughly 600,000 people have heart bypasses a year in America. These people are ...

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Connoisseurs Pay Top Dollar for Questionable Delicacy

People will pay top dollar for anything, as long as they think it's a rare treat.

Taiwanese coffee farmers have long been pestered by Formosan rock ...

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Sin Looks Pleasant at First

We are too apt to forget that temptation to sin will rarely present itself to us in its true colors, saying, "I am your deadly enemy, and I want ...

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Friends Can Cause Obesity

The New England Journal of Medicine recently exposed another factor that contributes to obesity: a person's circle of friends. Statistics say it isn't ...

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Hollywood Publicist Frustrated with Beauty

Hollywood publicist Michael Levine lives in what many consider the beauty capital of the world, surrounded on a daily basis by gorgeous women. But he ...

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Prison a Comfortable Home for One Man

A man who robbed a bank 10 years ago and was sentenced to 70 months in a federal penitentiary decided he liked prison life so much that he committed another ...

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Brands Are Little Gods of Modern Life

In his book The Brand Gap, Marty Neumeier presents five disciplines that help companies effectively create, cultivate, and protect their unique brands. ...

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Christians Struggle with Opposing Desires

We want to be a saint, but we also want to feel every sensation experienced by sinners; we want to be innocent and pure, but we also want to be experienced ...

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