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Sermon Illustrations about Arguments

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Arguments to help bring your sermon to life.

Husband Seeks Attention in a Harmful Way

Dave Goetz writes in "Marital Drift”:

Recently, Jana and I weathered one of the most stressful weeks in our marriage. I'd spent the previous ...

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Study: "We" Wins the Argument

A study reported in Psychological Science discovered that the "best" arguers are those who don't point their fingers. According to the study, ...

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Intelligent Design Persuades Noted Atheist

Legendary British philosopher and atheist Antony Flew turned from atheism at the age of 81. A noted critic of God's existence for several decades, ...

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Tasmanian Devils Spread Cancer with Their Mouths

Australian scientists discovered the cause of a mysterious disease that had killed thousands of Tasmanian Devils on the island state of Tasmania. The ...

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Marital Stress Inhibits Healing

Researchers at Ohio State University showed that marital arguments can have a significant effect on the physical health of each spouse.

The study looked ...

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Man Mourns His Predecessor's Death

The story is told of a man who visited a cemetery to leave flowers at the grave of his dearly departed mother. He couldn't help but notice that, a few ...

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Couple Agrees "Change Don't Come Easily"

Husband: Change don't come easily.

Wife: Doesn't.

Husband: Doesn't what?

Wife: Come easily. Change doesn't come easily.

Husband: So you are ...

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Husband Uses Air Raid Siren to Silence Wife

A man from Berlin, Germany, took an unusual approach in trying to bring peace to his marriage. CNN reported that the man was using an old air raid siren ...

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Why Christians Needn't Keep Moral Views to Themselves

Writing in U.S. News & World Report, John Leo had this to say in defense of voting based upon religious values:

I am struggling to understand the "don't ...

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Husband Pays for Silent Treatment

A married couple had a quarrel and ended up giving each other the silent treatment. A week into their mute argument, the man realized he needed his wife's ...

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