Sermon Illustrations about Assumptions
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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Assumptions to help bring your sermon to life.
Looks Great--But Can It Fly?
The difference between the requirements of art and science is charmingly shown in the work of Leonardo da Vinci. About the beauty of da Vinci's art, ...
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Getting Past Appearances
I hope we've gotten past the point where smoking a pipe makes you a theologian, growing a beard makes you a counselor, or wearing pinstripes makes ...
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The Cause of Disillusionment
Dr. Jerome Frank at Johns Hopkins talks about our "assumptive world." What he means is that all of us make assumptions about life about God, ...
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Earnestness: Proof of Holiness?
One trouble with earnestness is that those who are possessed by it so often take it as proof certain that they are on God's side.
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False Assumptions
"All generalizations are false, including this one," yet we keep making them. We create images--graven ones that can't be changed; we dismiss ...
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Not So Simple
A missionary friend of mine once said, "Things were simple before I went to Africa. I knew what the African's problem was, and I knew the answer. ...
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Too Much Talk
There is danger ... in doing too many interviews. Too much talk can make you fat-headed: You get the idea that everything you say is worth being recorded ...
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