Sermon Illustrations about Attendance
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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Attendance to help bring your sermon to life.
God, Grades, and Graduation
Want your kids to do better in school? Church might be the answer, according to a study conducted by the University of Notre Dame. An article titled, ...
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Reduced Health Risks for Regular Church Attenders
Something about the communal religious experience seems to matter. Something powerful takes place there that enhances health and well-being; and it is ...
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Strong Link Between Church Attendance and Health
Dr. Tyler J. Vanderweele, an epidemiology professor at Harvard, spent a decade researching how regular church attendance impacted health care workers. ...
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People Are Passionate About the Most Unusual Things
The Bookseller magazine runs a competition to find the book with the oddest title of the year. Competition rules stipulate that the work had to be of ...
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What ‘The Perfect Sunday’ Doesn’t Include
In a poll of 2,000 Britons the 'Perfect Sunday' involved: waking at 8:30 a.m. to the smell of breakfast cooking, a cuddle, and three hours of ...
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Eugene Peterson on Need for Community
"There can be no maturity in the spiritual life, no obedience in following Jesus, no wholeness in the Christian life, apart from an immersion in, ...
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Americans Claim to Attend Church Much More Than They Do
According to a study from the Public Religion Research Institute, Americans may not be telling the truth about church attendance. But the real story here ...
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An Apology Letter to the Local Church
Katelyn Beaty wrote a creative, semi-humorous, but deeply moving piece titled, "An Open Apology to the Local Church." Beaty's letter isn't ...
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Family Shows Persistent Love to Hurting Couple
John Knight and Denise Knight were happily anticipating the birth of their first child, a son. They had already decided to name him Paul. But when Paul ...
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Worshipping with People We Didn't Hand-Pick
Writer and NPR commentator Heather King, a recovering alcoholic who has come to faith in Christ, reflected on her initial experience with the church:
My ...
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