Sermon Illustrations about Attitude
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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Attitude to help bring your sermon to life.
The Spike in Google Searches for Hope
For the past five years, one of the most searched terms on Google has been “hope.” It has outpaced searches for political upheavals, technological ...
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The Secret to a Younger You
In 1979 Dr. Ellen Langer, a Psychology Professor at Harvard, designed a weeklong experiment for a group of 75-year-old men. The men knew very little about ...
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From Dog’s Assistant to Company VP
Bonnie Hammer started her career in 1974 as a bottom-rung production assistant to the top of NBC Universal’s headquarters. As of 2024 she had become ...
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Stress Can Shrink Your Brain
There's been a lot of research about stress and here's the bad news: it's really bad for your body and your brain. Dr. Rajita Sinha imaged ...
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Tom Brady’s Surprising ‘Point of Life’
Tom Brady has expressed frustration with the attitude of new athletes in professional sports. On the "DeepCut with VicBlends" podcast, he discussed ...
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Americans Remain Pessimistic Despite the Economists
A reporter from The Wall Street Journal spoke to several people about the economy. One was Kristine Funck, a nurse in Ohio, has won steady pay raises, ...
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How John Stott Learned Total Dependence on God
Pastor John Yates III once worked for the British scholar and Bible teacher John Stott. Yates reflected on the time when Stott’s aging and disability ...
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Isolated Tribes Find Happiness Beyond Materialism
People living in remote Indigenous communities are as happy as those in wealthy developed countries despite having “very little money,” according ...
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God is the Best Therapist
The world began a weekly group therapy session with Frazier Crane thirty years ago. This spin-off character from Cheers played by Kelsey Grammer, emerged ...
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Marines Meet Recruiting Goals with Challenge Pitch
These are dark days for military recruiting.
The Army, Navy, and Air Force have tried almost everything in their power to bring in new people. They’ve ...
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