Sermon Illustrations about Awakenings
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Momentary Transcendence in an Ancient Mausoleum
In his book With, author Skye Jethani describes the mausoleum of Galla Placidia in Italy:
Fifteen hundred years ago, the emperor of Rome built a tomb for ...
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The New Majority
The 2010s were a tipping point for global Christianity. Now, in 2020, more than half the world’s Christians live in Africa and Latin America, according ...
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M.I.T. Professor’s Experience with Transcendence
Physicist Alan Lightman is a professor at Massachusetts Institute of Technology. He is known for specializing in the intersection between science, philosophy, ...
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An Early Earthquake Warning System
As of May, 2021, the US earthquake early warning system can issue earthquake alerts to cellphone users in California, Oregon, and Washington. The MyShake ...
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Proving You’re Not Dead
Jeanne Pouchain knows she’s not dead. But she has to prove it in court. The 58-year-old French woman was declared dead by a court in 2017 during ...
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How Long Have You Lived?
While teaching at the University of Pennsylvania, Dr. Tony Campolo once turned an ordinary lecture into an unforgettable lesson. He asked an unsuspecting ...
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A Runner’s Sudden Existential Crisis
Devin Kelly looks forward every year to meeting his running friends at Farmdaze. Every February at a farm in Brooklet, Georgia, a 24-hour ultra-marathon ...
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Pandemic Forcing Many to Re-Examine Life Priorities
As any secular psychologist and sociologist will tell you, the average person definitely does not reassess their daily and lifetime priorities. Harvard ...
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Stuck in the ‘Everyday’? Try Searching for Truth
The 20th Century American Catholic writer, Walker Percy, wrote frequently about how life in the modern world alienates us from things that truly matter. ...
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Revival at the Corner Where George Floyd Was Killed
Many are calling it sacred ground--38th Street and Chicago Avenue--the site where George Floyd was killed by a Minneapolis police officer. The intersection ...
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