Sermon Illustrations about Awakenings
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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Awakenings to help bring your sermon to life.
When the Alarm Clock Was a Person
There once was a time people were awakened, not by a cell phone or even an alarm clock, but by a “knocker-upper.” For many workers in early ...
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The Amazing Influence of British Missionaries Worldwide
The Spectator, one of Britain's leading weekly newsmagazines ran an article entitled "Amazing Grace," Journalist Colin Freeman wrote about ...
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Prominent Author Experiences An Almost-Conversion
A classic example of an almost-conversion to Christ happened to Lord Kenneth Clark, one of Great Britain's most prominent art historians and authors, ...
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Evangelism Isn't That Hard When God Prepares a Heart
Editor's Note: Dr. Jerry Root tells the following story to illustrate how Christ is already risen and alive and working in the hearts of others around ...
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New York City Photographer Learns How to Look
David Finn, an acclaimed professional photographer and lifelong New Yorker, wrote a fascinating book, How to Look At Everything. Finn recounts how he ...
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Shepherd Falls Asleep While Sheep Cause Nuisance
The Telegraph, a British newspaper reported that a flock of over 1,300 sheep "had to be rounded up by police in the Spanish city of Huesca after ...
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The First North American Missionary—a Freed Slave
The first missionary from North America was George Liele, a former slave who left the American colonies for Jamaica in 1782 and began a ministry of preaching ...
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Young Artist Sees People in Whole New Light
In his book My Name Is Asher Lev, Chaim Potok's main character is an awakening artist, beginning to see the world with a different perspective. The ...
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Your Heart Always Follows Your Money
Suppose you buy shares of General Motors. What happens? You suddenly develop interest in GM. You check the financial pages. You see a magazine article ...
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Conversion Is Like Waking Up to an Alarm Clock
Bible scholar N.T. Wright uses the analogy of waking up in the morning for how some people come to Christ through a dramatic, instant conversion and others ...
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