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Sermon Illustrations about Bible reading

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Bible reading to help bring your sermon to life.

An Added Benefit from Reading the Bible

The King James Version of the Bible has been a blessing through the years to countless numbers of people, in many different ways. As 2 Timothy 3:16-17 ...

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Shackleton Prioritized Scripture in the Antarctic

Ernest Shackleton is famous for leading the voyage of the Endurance and her crew to the Antarctic, and despite cataclysmic failure, leading his men out ...

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Procrastinators Helped by Using ‘Monk Mode’

Cameron Perrin, a 26-year-old software engineer, talks about his experience with the productivity hack known as "monk mode:"

As a person who ...

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The Most Stressful Time of the Day

Sometimes, all it takes is a minor inconvenience to ruin your whole day. It has been revealed that the most stressful time of the day is 7:23am. On average ...

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Bible Reading Is Dropping Dramatically

Bible reading dropped dramatically in 2022. It is unclear why. Roughly 50 percent of American adults reported opening Scripture at least three times a ...

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A Sweet, Soft Voice Saved His Life

Eduardo Rocha shares his dramatic testimony in an issue of CT magazine:

It was March 13, 1986, I was all alone and getting high. But I had also gotten ...

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Letter from Queen Elizabeth II Unopened Until 2085

Queen Elizabeth II passed away on September 8, 2022, at the age of 96. But it turns out that Britain's longest-reigning monarch still has something ...

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Queen Elizabeth II Modeled Genuine Faith in Christ

On June 2, 1953, in the splendor of Westminster Abbey, a twenty-five-year-old woman knelt before the archbishop of Canterbury to seal the oaths she had ...

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Don’t Treat the Bible Like a Spiritual ATM

In a recent issue of CT magazine, Jen Wilkin writes:

When the first ATM was installed in my hometown in the 1980s, it felt like magic: Insert your card, ...

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Hebrew Tablet May Prove Older Bible Timeline

A team of archaeologists with the Archaeological Studies Institute believes it has found a tablet dating back to 1400 BC. Institute Director, Scott Stripling, ...

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