Sermon Illustrations about Bible reading
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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Bible reading to help bring your sermon to life.
Denzel Washington Says, ‘Don’t Play with God’
In an interview with Denzel Washington, it noted that the actor has been getting more explicit about his Christian convictions. In 2019 Washington called ...
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TikTokers’ Attention Span Maxes at 60 Seconds
TikTokers have remarkably short attention spans. Nearly 50 percent of users surveyed by TikTok said videos longer than a minute long were stressful; a ...
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My Dad’s Bible
In his recent book, The Wisdom Pyramid, Brett McCracken shares the following story about his father:
I will always remember my dad's Bible. As a kid, ...
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Using Your Brain Rather than Google Maps
London cabbies have been an iconic fixture in any London street scene for decades. Now the black taxi cab and their extraordinary cabbies are the focal ...
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The Memories of Monuments
There was no archaeological evidence for the existence of the biblical King David. That is, until 1993, when surveyor Gila Cook noticed a basalt stone ...
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The Internet Is Changing Our Brains
In his book The Shallows: What the Internet is Doing to Our Brains, Nicholas Carr calls the Internet "a technology of forgetfulness" and describes ...
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Black Bible Reading Endures
African Americans have held tight to their Bibles over the years. Amid cultural shifts in beliefs and reading habits, their demographic consistently outranks ...
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MIT Professor Took a Chance on God
MIT professor Rosalind Picard shares how she met the Author of all knowledge:
As early as grade school, when I was a straight-A student, I identified with ...
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The Power of Being a Faithful Witness
Kathy Troccoli has been a successful Christian singer, songwriter, author, and speaker for over three decades. She also found success in secular music ...
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The Healing Power of Proper Breathing
Breathing is not an activity that anyone is feeling confident about right now. We spend our days covering our mouths and noses with masks, struggling ...
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