Sermon Illustrations about Boasting
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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Boasting to help bring your sermon to life.
Airline Customers Crave Elite Status Rewards
Bonnie Crawford was in danger of missing a connecting flight for a board meeting last week when a United Airlines customer-service rep saved the day. ...
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Boastful Tech Exec Bootlegs Rare Recording
Martin Shkreli, infamous for his pharmaceutical price gouging, has once again found himself in legal hot water. This time, the controversy surrounds his ...
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Tom Brady’s Surprising ‘Point of Life’
Tom Brady has expressed frustration with the attitude of new athletes in professional sports. On the "DeepCut with VicBlends" podcast, he discussed ...
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Christian Singer Criticized After Impromptu Performance
Gospel singer Bobbi Storm would seem to be aptly named, for her latest actions created a firestorm of controversy, testing the axiom that there’s ...
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Woman Ran onto the Super Bowl Field for Fame
Kelly Kay Green wanted to be someone. So, she donned a specially made dress, chugged a Coors Light for courage, and ran onto the field at the Super Bowl ...
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‘Humility’ Is Really Our New Pride
Columnist David Brooks mocks what passes for humility these days. He points to a tweet from the president of the European Central Bank: “I was humbled ...
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Lawyer Brag Leads to Vacated Verdict
The next time Robert McKenna III celebrates a recent victorious court case in front of coworkers, he’d be wise to prevent anyone from filming his ...
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A Line at the Gates of Hell
Hell is not a popular topic today, except for all the wrong reasons.
The theme song for the film Cruella tells us right up front that Ms. de Vil was "born ...
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Finishing the Marathon without Running It
The marathon is one of the most strenuous athletic events in sport. The Boston Marathon attracts the best runners in the world. The winner is automatically ...
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The Snare of Moral Grandstanding
Do some Christians harm their witness by falling into the trap of “moral grandstanding” or “virtue signaling”? Or do we convey ...
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