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Sermon Illustrations about Career

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Career to help bring your sermon to life.

Frank Sinatra's Insecurity

Frank Sinatra's daughter, Tina Sinatra, recalls her father's unceasing drive to succeed and make money, even when his health was at risk:

His health ...

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"Mr. Holland's Opus": Leaving a Legacy

Mr. Holland's Opus is a movie about a frustrated composer in Portland, Oregon, who takes a job as a high school band teacher in the 1960s. Although ...

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Nicole Kidman Can't Have It All

In a Talk magazine interview, movie star Nicole Kidman, divorced from superstar Tom Cruise, talks about the sacrifices a mother and wife must make:

It's ...

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Clarence Thomas Reevaluates Life

In a recent speech, Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas said his brother's death caused him to reevaluate his own life. Baring his soul, as he often ...

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Ministry at Work

Jack Martens is a minister in San Francisco who marches to the beat of a different drummer. He is not ordained and doesn't preach from a pulpit, but ...

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Giving the Gift of Work

Karole Shirley, Ordinary Hero

It's nice when your boss notices your work. It's even better when the CEO of your company notices. And it's even ...

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Money a Bad Measure

The number one issue with most people when it comes to choosing a career is money. But compared to work that you'll do well and enjoy doing, money ...

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Living with a Purpose

You will invest your life in something, or you will throw it away on nothing.

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