Sermon Illustrations about Character
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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Character to help bring your sermon to life.
Lottery Winner Vows to Continue Working
20-year-old James Clarkson works as a gas engineer trainee in North England, and has no plans of stopping. Of course, it would be unusual for any person ...
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Opting Out of the ‘Preschool Pressure Cooker’
An interesting article in The Wall Street Journal noted that "we are living through a particularly anxious moment in the history of American parenting." ...
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Homeless Man's Honesty Prompts Lavish Charity
When Sarah Darling dropped some change into a homeless man's cup, she didn't notice anything amiss. But she quickly realized that her diamond ...
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Stop Watching Mean People in Videos
Here's the conclusion from a study published in the journal Aggressive Behavior: Watching TV programs about mean people can make you a mean person. ...
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What Life Events Change Your Personality?
Over time, your personality can change — in big ways. But psychologists didn’t always think this to be true. While one’s personality ...
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How Rembrandt Revised Portrayals of Jesus
What did Jesus really look like? Western art has frequently stumbled over the contradiction between the ascetic figure of Jesus of Nazareth and the iconography ...
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Adversity Made Ancient Societies More Resilient
From the Roman Empire to the Maya civilization, history is filled with social collapses. Traditionally, historians have studied these downturns qualitatively, ...
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The Psychology of Polite Words
For decades, a social psychologist named John Bargh has conducted studies on the way words affect behavior. In one such study, undergraduate students ...
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Sinkhole Opens Amid Soccer Field
In a southern Illinois town, an unfortunate incident resulted in a public park complex being indefinitely closed to the public. Unlike in many other areas ...
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NFL Star Announces Official Name Change
Jacksonville Jaguars star linebacker Josh Allen has changed his name to Josh Hines-Allen, in tribute to his maternal family. His No. 41 jersey will feature ...
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