Sermon Illustrations about Christian practices
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Evangelicals and Advent
Chris Armstrong writes in an article titled: "Advent—Close Encounters of a Liturgical Kind":
I confess: when my parents tried to impress ...
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A Lesson in Conservation
I grew up in the mountains of South India. My parents were missionaries to the tribal people of the hills, and our lives were about as simple as they ...
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A Mother's Lesson in Prayer
Author Brandon O'Brien writes in "His Name Was Tim”:
His name was Tim, and he was the bane of my existence. I can't remember now any ...
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Woman Boldly Asks God to Address Storm
Pastor and author Tony Evans was in Columbia, South Carolina, to preach at a crusade being held in the University of South Carolina football stadium. ...
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Tony Campolo on Taking Communion
In his Letters to a Young Evangelical, Tony Campolo shares a story from his youth about taking Communion:
Sitting with my parents at a Communion service ...
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Punished for Righteousness
A 16th century man who did not drink to excess, curse, or abuse his workmen or family could be suspected of being an Anabaptist and thus persecuted.
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