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Sermon Illustrations about Church, health of

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Church, health of to help bring your sermon to life.

Murphy's Church Laws

Murphy in the Pew

Next to the Law of Gravity, one of the most inescapable universal truths is undoubtedly Murphy's Law: "If anything can go wrong, ...

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A Point, Not a Pattern

After the Ananias and Sapphira incident, I wonder how long it took the apostles to realize God was making a point, not stamping a pattern.

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The Top 10 "Last Words in Your Church"

Pastoral lines you may not be around long enough to regret

Sometimes words have to be eaten. Other times, they turn out to have teeth that bite. From an ...

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Who Will Save the Drowning?

I had an experience from which I will not soon recover. As many of you know, I am associated with the Dallas Cowboys. They graciously invited my wife ...

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P.R. for Churches

A small church's most effective tool for creating a good church reputation may be its willingness to help those in need.

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"The Church Did This to Me"

When I visit newcomers, I try to elicit the-church-did-this-to-me stories, because nearly everybody has one.

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Ministry in the Parking Lot

I learn about the effectiveness of my ministry by watching people in the parking lot rather than in the pews.

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Churches Converted to Mosques

Number of London churches converted to mosques in the last 20 years: 400

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