Sermon Illustrations about Communication
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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Communication to help bring your sermon to life.
Are You Listening to Me?
Hearing is a vastly underrated sense. Studies have shown that visual recognition requires a significant fraction of a second per event. But hearing is ...
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Are Teens Hooked on AI Friends?
Fifteen-year-old Aaron was going through a dark time at school. He’d fallen out with his friends, leaving him feeling isolated and alone.
At the ...
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A Million Gen Zers Reject Digital Dating
Online dating is so last year.
According to a report, popular dating apps have seen a major dip in usage in 2024, with Tinder losing 600,000 Gen Z users, ...
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Navigating the Clutter of the Information Age
New York Times Columnist Ezra Klein notes his theory why the Internet feels “so crummy” these days. It puts us into “shame closets.” ...
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In Disaster Amateur Radio Triumphs
The morning after Hurricane Helene pummeled the eastern seaboard of the U.S., Thomas Witherspoon inspected the damage to his western North Carolina home. ...
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Secret Power of the 8 Minute Phone Call
In a world where genuine connections seem elusive, Jancee Dunn, in her heartfelt piece for The New York Times, suggests that perhaps the key to meaningful ...
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Pandemic Paradox: Stronger Marriages After Isolation
A dramatic change from the trend seen in previous years was marked by the unexpected increase in marriages that the COVID-19 lockdowns brought about. ...
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Don’t Do the Silent Treatment
Life for a 19th-century sailor was hard: Months at sea were accompanied by constant danger and deprivation. To make matters worse, mariners saw the same ...
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13% of Chatbot Users Just Want to Talk
Most people continue to use AI programs such as ChatGPT, Bing, and Google Bard for mundane tasks like internet searches and text editing. But of the roughly ...
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Heartwarming Reunion Goes Viral
Steve Burns wasn’t conventionally handsome when he first auditioned to become the host of the Nickelodeon children’s show Blue’s Clues, ...
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