Sermon Illustrations about Community
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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Community to help bring your sermon to life.
The ‘Dark Side’ of the Pursuit of Happiness
Yale psychologist June Gruber has confirmed the many positive physical, social, and psychological benefits of human happiness. But while working at the ...
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Humble People Are More Helpful
It's always interesting listening to some folks who are trying to make sense of Christian virtues. For example, The Journal of Positive Psychology ...
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The Creation of a ‘Beloved Community’
In Raymond Arsenault’s biography of John Lewis, he recounts Lewis’s mentors and their shared vision of “the Beloved Community.” ...
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Are Teens Hooked on AI Friends?
Fifteen-year-old Aaron was going through a dark time at school. He’d fallen out with his friends, leaving him feeling isolated and alone.
At the ...
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We are Wired to Connect with Others
The Bible teaches us that it is not good for us to be alone, we need others. Researchers now know that we are wired to be with and interact with others. ...
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Unofficial Aquarium Becomes Community Hangout
Brooklyn residents were in mourning in late October after a leaky fire hydrant was paved over by city workers. Over the previous summer, leaks from the ...
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The Death of the Dining Room
The dining room is the closest thing the American home has to an appendix—a dispensable feature that served some more important function at an earlier ...
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Catholic Organization Defrocks AI Priest
In a curious tale of technology meeting theology, a Catholic advocacy group introduced an AI chatbot posing as a priest, offering to hear confessions ...
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The Decline of the Mainline Church
The decline of the church in America is posing tremendous cultural problems. And sociologists are beginning to sound the alarm.
Once upon a time, America ...
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In Disaster Amateur Radio Triumphs
The morning after Hurricane Helene pummeled the eastern seaboard of the U.S., Thomas Witherspoon inspected the damage to his western North Carolina home. ...
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