Sermon Illustrations about Core values
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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Core values to help bring your sermon to life.
Google Couldn't Define Evil
Twenty years ago, at the moment of its IPO announcement, the most powerful company in the world declared that “Don’t be evil” would ...
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From Dog’s Assistant to Company VP
Bonnie Hammer started her career in 1974 as a bottom-rung production assistant to the top of NBC Universal’s headquarters. As of 2024 she had become ...
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Americans Now Reject Moral Absolutes
Past generations of Americans viewed God as the basis of truth and morality. Not anymore. A new study shows that most Americans reject any absolute boundaries ...
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The Transience of Human 'Truth'
A clip from a Pursuit of Wonder video illustrates how man's ideas of what is true often turns out to be completely false.
In Peru in the middle of ...
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What Is Morality?
A video from content creators Aperture gives a brief overview of the basic questions people ask about personal morality: "If I steal from the rich ...
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Amazon Tribe Has No Use for Virtue Signaling
Author Gad Saad is one of the leading voices exposing the harm and folly of political correctness in the US and Canada. In his most recent book, he explores ...
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'Spider-Man' Actor Reveals ‘The Man I Wasn't Becoming’
In 2002, Joe Manganiello was a brand-new face in Hollywood, His first screen test landed him the role of Flash Thompson in Spider-Man 3 (the biggest film ...
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Lost Horizon
We've lost sight of the fact that some things are always right and some things are always wrong. We've lost our reference point. We don't ...
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