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Sermon Illustrations about Courtship

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Courtship to help bring your sermon to life.

The Deal-Sealing Moment for Happy Couples

Every real-life love story has a beginning of how they met, but the important part is when you realize that this is the person you want to spend the rest ...

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Stop Swiping, Start Settling

Married people average 30 percentage points more happy than unmarried Americans. So, there’s a lot at stake when one swipes left or right. In an ...

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A Million Gen Zers Reject Digital Dating

Online dating is so last year.

According to a report, popular dating apps have seen a major dip in usage in 2024, with Tinder losing 600,000 Gen Z users, ...

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Do Hallmark Movies Have a Typical ‘Happy Ending’?

The Hallmark and Lifetime networks are known for their holiday movies each year. They bring in impressive television ratings, perhaps aided by how easy ...

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Why Are 6 out of 10 Young Men Single?

New Pew Research Center data has found that nowadays, 63% of men under 30 are electively single, up from 51% in 2019—and experts blame erotic alone-time ...

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Romantic Comedies Set Us Up for Disappointment

A steady diet of romantic sitcom movies sets us up to be disappointed with the imperfect love of spouses or family.

That's the conclusion lead researcher ...

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Has Romantic Love Become an Idol?

Is it possible to make an idol—or even a whole religion—out of romantic love? Consider the lines from these popular songs:

Gonna build my whole ...

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How Long It Takes for Romance Chemicals to Dissipate

When scientists studied the brain chemistry of the newly love struck they found that certain chemicals are elevated when love is new. Researchers at the ...

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The Worst Possible Online Dating Profile

A writer recently created a fictitious and utterly horrible dating profile as an experiment. The goal was to create a persona so offensive—racist, ...

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Researchers Track the Temporary Nature of Infatuation

The New York Times reported on a major study that tracked 1,761 people who got married and stayed married over the course of 15 years. The article reported ...

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