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Sermon Illustrations about Disaster

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Disaster to help bring your sermon to life.

Even in Trauma, Look for the Stars

Dr. Jamie Aten, a cancer survivor and a Christian who researches how people respond to trauma, wrote in The Washington Post in which he urged trauma survivors ...

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Cancer Survivor and Trauma Expert on 'Spiritual Surrender'

At the age of 35 Christian psychologist and researcher Dr. Jamie Aten was diagnosed with Stage 4 colon cancer that had spread to his pelvis. Aten said: ...

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Tangled Web: When a ‘Solution’ is More Dangerous than the Problem.

Some silly people are terrified of spiders. If you're one of them, then a recent story from the New York Times is for you. Apparently, a Seattle man ...

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Company Offers Underground Disaster Shelters

Are you ready for the end of the world? If not, a company named Vivos can help you and your loved ones get prepared. The Vivos website says, "Whether ...

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A Giant Redwood Falls

On March 24, 1991, one of the oldest and largest Redwoods in California crashed to the ground.

People call the tree the Dyerville Giant, and it lies where ...

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Newlyweds Endure Snowstorm, Flood, and Earthquake

Every marriage has its share of trials and troubles. But imagine going off on your honeymoon and getting victimized by six natural disasters! That's ...

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Overconfident Naval Officer Loses His Way in the Fog

During a 1923 training exercise, a naval destroyer called the USS Delphy led a flotilla of seven vessels down the California coast. The USS Delphy was ...

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The Realities of Life

A moment of conscious triumph makes one feel that after this nothing will really matter; a moment of realized disaster makes one feel that this is the ...

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We Are not What We Own

In April 1997, residents of Grand Forks, North Dakota abandoned their possessions to the rising river. Record snowfalls had melted into record spring ...

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