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Sermon Illustrations about Disunity

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Disunity to help bring your sermon to life.

Americans Have Sense of Dread and Division

Two days after the attempted assassination of former President Trump, The Wall Street Journal ran an article with the following title:

“‘I’m ...

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The Decline of the Mainline Church

The decline of the church in America is posing tremendous cultural problems. And sociologists are beginning to sound the alarm.

Once upon a time, America ...

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The Psychology of Polite Words

For decades, a social psychologist named John Bargh has conducted studies on the way words affect behavior. In one such study, undergraduate students ...

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This Conflict Causes Nearly Half of Divorces

Almost 690,000 couples reported getting divorced in 2021, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. That’s about half the number ...

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How America Got Mean

Set adrift into the vast expanse of amorality, where do people turn? Where within modern society can one find a moral compass that imbues life with meaning? ...

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Buried Cables Leach Toxins

According to a report in the Wall Street Journal, telecom companies have left behind a sprawling network of cables covered in toxic lead that stretches ...

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The Most Likely Reasons Marriages End

A total of 689,308 divorces occurred in 2021. That’s about half the number of couples who reported getting married, with subsequent marriages failing ...

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Tips to Avoid Family Holiday Drama

In today's highly politicized media climate, various opinions surround several ongoing conflicts. These conflicts include the ongoing war in the Middle ...

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Restaurant Owning Brothers Fight Over Customers

A recent news article featured the story of three restaurant-owning brothers in India who constantly compete and bicker for business.

B. Vivekanandhan, ...

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Bipartisan Congressional Committee Creates Unity

It’s in political news to note that Americans are hopelessly divided, and that this division is manifest in the lack of collaboration across the ...

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